"TI TA TO" animated film is a journey to a famous world where nature and man-made music intertwine. It features traditional musical instruments: scuds, kankles, drums, etc. The visual and musical inclusion of instruments in the animation will not only interest young viewers, but also help reveal the beauty of musical instruments! The project is financed by the Lithuanian Council of Culture. Creative team: Project idea and coordination - National Music Department of the Kaunas City Museum; Script, music, sound track, narrator's voice - Jonas Chockevičius; Direction and animation - Antanas Skučas (MB "Tylus kinas"); Sound mixing and shaping – Laurynas Baškys ("Lapės records"); Translation into Lithuanian sign language - Rūta Verbickienė. Project partners: PAGAVA association of Lithuanian families fostering deaf and hard of hearing children, Faculty of Arts of Vytautas the Great University, Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore.