This rabbit attracts attention with its unusual, exotic appearance. The Lionhead rabbit (another name is the Lion's Head) is a relatively new breed of dwarf rabbits, known for the presence of a peculiar mane around the head and neck. As befits real lions, the rest of their body is covered with medium-length hair. Lionhead animals owe such an original mixed hair coat to their short-haired and long-haired ancestors. The character of lionhead rabbits is distinguished by good nature and compliance. In most cases, they can be called affectionate and well-mannered pets. Animals of this breed have an extraordinary mind and are even able to learn to perform certain commands - to respond to calls, calls to play and eat. They will become ideal pets for both adults and children. However, due to their intelligence and activity, they require a lot of attention. Lionhead rabbits appeared relatively recently in Belgium as a result of attempts by breeders to create a long-haired dwarf breed by crossing fluffy miniature fox individuals with Netherland dwarfs. Their experiments led to a genetic mutation that causes the animals to develop long hair around the head and upper body. Since 2002, lionhead rabbits have been recognized as a separate breed in Europe and can participate in exhibitions and championships dedicated to these animals. They belong to the class of Angora, Himalayan and Netherland rabbits, and are in great demand among modern rabbit breeders and professional breeders of this type of animal. These are small animals with a shortened body, a wide chest and a well-developed croup. On a small head are wide-set eyes and fluffy ears, the length of which does not exceed nine centimeters. The rounded cheeks of the animals smoothly flow into a short neck, almost invisible behind a thick mane. An adult lionhead rabbit, whose size is striking in its miniature size, has strong, moderately long hind limbs. Babies under six months of age have a body weight of no more than 700 grams. An adult, sexually mature individual weighs within 1.5-1.7 kg. As for the color, the standard allows for about 60 possible variations. Life expectancy is up to 11 years. The lionhead rabbit requires daily care, different from the care of other breeds. The rabbit must have a sufficient amount of healthy food and water. Live in a comfortable cage, well protected from rain, heat, stressful situations and harsh weather conditions, preferably indoors. The cage should be cleaned daily. ► Encyclopedia of Dogs all issues https://goo.gl/tdZJ34 ► Encyclopedia of Cats all issues https://goo.gl/enqeeT ► Encyclopedia of Horses all issues https://goo.gl/zRi79G ► Encyclopedia of Parrots https://goo.gl/yUfxNH ► Reviews of Treats and Dog Food https://goo.gl/ypUfu5 ► Reviews of Treats and Cat Food https://goo.gl/ojHi5K ► GoPro and Dog - Walking with Dog https://goo.gl/mkz1eP ► Veterinarian's Advice all issues https://goo.gl/0w3uM5 ► Advice from the Pet Store all issues https://goo.gl/XStEBs Our website: https://zoomisto.com.ua/ VK: https://vk.com/zoomistocomua OK: https://ok.ru/zoomisto FB: / zoomistocomua Instagram: / zoomisto