Liminha (ex-Mutantes and Music Producer) Inside with Paulo Baron and Regis Tadeu ++++++++++++++++++++ BOOK KIT: THE MUTANTS - THE TIME AND THE TURN Only here with 20% Discount! https://bit.ly/regismutantes DON'T FORGET! USE THE DISCOUNT COUPON: registadeuindica ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ LIMINHA'S RESPONSE ABOUT MUSIC PRODUCTION https://bit.ly/baronliminha ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ NEW STORE REGIS TADEU AMAZING T-SHIRTS ++++++++++++++++++++ Liminha (ex-Mutantes and Music Producer) Inside with Paulo Baron and Regis Tadeu ********* Credits Presentation and Production: Regis Tadeu and Paulo Baron Captions: Nicholas Pedroso @nicho411 Support: Central Panelaço - Vegan Food, Comics, Menswear / centralpanelaco Marketing: Fabio Christianini & Magoo Digital http://www.magoodigital.com.br Production, Capture and Video Editing: Rodrigo Barth https://www.barthvideos.com/ Regis Tadeu is represented by Danispall Agência To book lectures, workshops, projects and sponsorships, send an email to Daniela Spallanzani: [email protected] Design: Rafael Gusman http://rafagusman.com.br ********* Instagram Paulo Baron: @toplinkmusic Facebook Paulo Baron: @toplinkmusicoficial Congresso Paulo Baron: https://bit.ly/ryliferegis ********* ++++++++++++++++++++ NEW REGIS TADEU STORE AMAZING T-SHIRTS ++++++++++++++++++++ Liminha (ex-Mutantes and Music Producer) Inside with Paulo Baron and Regis Tadeu