►► :) ◄◄ ═════════════════▼More info▼════════════════ »» Discord «« ➥ https://discord.flash08.de »» Rule violations «« ➥ Any rule violations of which I am aware have been clarified with the person concerned and/or a team member »» Steam «« ➥ https://steamcommunity.com/id/flash08yt »» Editing program «« ➥ Vegas Pro 18 »» Recording program «« ➥ OBS »» Donations «« ➥ https://tipeeestream.com/flash08/dona... ══════════════▼Social Networks▼═════════════ »» Twitch ➥ / flash08tv »» Twitter ➥ / flash08yt »» Instagram ➥ / flash08yt ═════════════════▼Subscription Goals▼════════════════ █ 50 subscriptions ✔ ██ 100 subscriptions ✔ ███ 200 subscriptions ✔ ████ 300 subscriptions ✔ █████ 400 subscriptions ✔ ██████ 500 Subscriptions ✔ ███████ 600 subscriptions ✔ ████████ 700 subscriptions ✔ █████████ 800 subscriptions ✔ ██████████ 900 subscriptions ❌ ███████████ 1000 subscriptions ❌ ════════════════════▼Hardware▼═════════════════ »» PC configuration «« ➥ https://pastebin.com/4Cxekv2P »» Monitor 1 «« ➥ http://q.gs/15959701/philips-monitor »» Monitor 2 «« ➥ http://q.gs/15959701/lg-monitor »» Mouse «« ➥ http://q.gs/15959701/mouse »» Keyboard «« ➥ http://q.gs/15959701/tastatur18 »» Micro «« ➥ http://q.gs/15959701/auna-mic »» Mouse pad «« ➥ http://q.gs/15959701/mousepad »» Headphones «« ➥ http://q.gs/15959701/kopfhoerer ═════════════════▼Other things▼═══════════════ »» Game «« ➥ https://store.steampowered.com/app/40... And now it's over :D