Life in a mountain village of Dagestan! Sheep cheese in gram. Caucasus! The whole truth about life in the mountains. High in the mountains in the west of Dagestan, one of the most picturesque and incredibly beautiful areas of the republic is located - Tlyaratinsky district! The & People project has prepared material about the residents of the high-mountain village of Betelda about their difficult life in the harsh mountains! Enjoy watching Search tags: #dagestan #rgvk #tlyaratinskydistrict #tlyarata #makhachkala #rgvkdagestan #rgvk #russia #dagestan #dagistan #vesti #newstoday #caucasus #events #trip #news #today #travels #dagestanmountains #blog #russiannature #tlyaratinskyzakaznik #travelsaroundrussia #russia #road #dagestanis #dagestannews #avars #mountains #mountainrivers #nature #dagestannature #tourism #beardedvulture #bearded vulture #wildlife #bird #goat #elk #tour #chamois #deer #rhododendron #drivingbycar #deer #moscow #mountainroad #serpentine #chechnya #grozny #ladagranta #vlog #daghestan #reserve #mountainpeaks #mountainroads #film #mountain #dagestantourist #trailer #mountainousdagestan #northcaucasus #westerndagestan #causcasus #natureofthecaucasus #terrorismprevention #ramazanjafarov #ontheedgesofdagestan #baaraorrivervalley #baaraor #travelthroughrussia #travelinthecaucasus #travelbycar #tsumilukh #hikeoverday #trekking #hikinginthemountains #hikeinthemountains #tlyaratinsky #district #friday #1 #diaryofamountaineress #orelireshka #derbent #farid #muslimov #famustv #umaibragimova #drillingandblastingworks #caucasus #art #amazing #caucasusmountainrange #caucasianart #monumenttoheroesofvov #docfilm #art #rhododendron #dagestanofficially #goggle #yandex #football #murder #terrorist attack #faridmuslimov #rgvktv #aul #good morals #islam #outlook #«news24»«heritageofislam»culturehajjunknownabdulatipov #culture #economics #koran #sharia #sunnah #2015 #aulsofdagestan #onyourown #independenttravel #touristroute #dagestanbycar #antonptushkin #mountaintourism #dagestannature #beautifulnature #talsukh #highlands #avariankoysu #seldagestan #mountainlake #adventures #fromabird'seyeview #baraaor #custom #adats #caspiandagestan #dagestanseaprices #caspiansea #caspiandagestan #toursin #tlyara #tours #hotel #rest #ramazannurudinov #hero #vts #dagestanpeople #dagestancities #5stars #dagestancaspiysksea #dagestanmakhachkala #dagestandistricts #abdulatipov #ramazanabdulatipov #kutlab #balagit #dagestanwatchtowers #gebguda #dagestanmyhomeland #kamilukh #dagestantravel #dagestansea #dagestanrest #dagestanrest #dagestan2023 #republicofdagestan #triptodagestan #dagestanian #01 More tags #dagestan #makhachkala #mountains #dagestanavalanche avalanche #dagestantravel #dagestan #lezgi lezini #mountain auls #mountain village village pilaf Cooking recipes for cooking ... təsərrüfatı village life #village life köyde yaşam country life country lifestyle country life vlog country life blog ASMR حياة القرية asmr food outdoor cooking campfire cooking Taste Life country style country food life vlog #dagestanis travel to dagestan news of dagestan