Lessons of the Sinai Desert. No. 1. Liberation from the Egyptian past. Over the long years and centuries of slavery, the Pharaoh was able to paralyze the will of the Jewish people. A slave is a person with a broken will, since absolutely nothing depends on his desires, he is in any case powerless to change the circumstances. When God led Israel out of slavery, He first of all tried to AWAKEN the will of the people, proving that now everything is in their hands. God does not recognize humility before circumstances, when a person breaks down, because he still cannot change anything. God recognizes the humility of only a free person who has a choice to humble himself or not. Facebook: / pastoralexshevchenko Vk: https://vk.com/pastoralexshevchenko Instagram: / aleksandrshevchenko_official Odnoklassniki: http://odnoklassniki.ru/pastoralexshe... Podcasts https://asim.org/sermons/ https://asim.org/qa/ https://asim.org/interview/ Google+: https://plus.google.com/+AleksandrShe... https://asim.org/ https://4spirit.org/