Tokyo University Science Division 3...commonly known as "Science III" Only the top 100 students of their generation can pass this, and it is the most difficult university entrance exam in Japan. Famous people like Kono Gento and veteran Dragon Hosoi apparently failed. Are you interested in the story of Japan's number one group of geniuses? So I listened to it, and it was full of crazy genius stories. Take a look at the world of Tokyo University Science Division 3. Don't say that Tokyo University is too much. (Text by Takada Fumin) [Produced by Otohata Shu] ■Otohata Shu Instagram / nebata_p ■Otohata Shu YouTube [Nevataism] / @shunevada ■Check this out too [A group of winners in life] Investigating the safety schools of Tokyo University students! Waseda? Keio? Medical school? • [A group of winners in life] Investigating the safety schools of Tokyo University students! Waseda? Keio? Medical school? [waka... [Tokyo University students] How many hours do they study on average per day in summer? We also investigated the real study methods of Tokyo University students! • [Tokyo University students] How many hours do they study on average per day in summer!? We also investigated the real study methods of Tokyo University students! ... [Eligible candidates] We asked Tokyo University students about their original study methods and they were so bizarre... • [Eligible candidates] We asked Tokyo University students about their original study methods and they were so bizarre... [w... ■Worn by Fuumin & Biyama! Click here to purchase the ShuNevada x wakatte.TV collaboration T-shirt & hoodie! https://shunevada.com/ ■Click here for the official wakatte.TV TikTok! / wakatte.tv_official ■Biyama [X(Twitter)] / asalabo_jp [Instagram] / takeruyamabi ■Takada Fuumin [X(Twitter)] / tigakukirai [Instagram] / gwsn_fumin [wakatte.TV] This program is aimed at high school students and students taking entrance exams across the country, saying, "Don't ever become an adult like this! This is a refreshing educational variety show featuring the black character "Takada Fumin" who puts education first and deliberately satirizes Japan's academic society, and his friend "Biyama". The interviews are conducted only with those who understand the character settings and the purpose of the project, and although the entire show is structured as a variety show, some people may find the content very unpleasant. If this is the case, please stop watching immediately. ■Takeda Juku Channel / takedajuku ■For inquiries about the video, please contact us here! [email protected] ■Produced by Suneight Co., Ltd. https://suneight.co.jp/ #TokyoUniversity #MedicalSchool #Japan'sNo.1 #University #UniversityEntranceExam #HighSchoolers #Variety #StandardScore #Education #WakatateTV