Would you like to undertake a business in Dentistry? Contact this WhatsApp and speak directly to Dr. Diogo Batalha or Dr. João Mariano. ➡️️WhatsApp: Click on this link and talk to me right now: https://wa.me/qr/GHXQHIUFV2SYJ1 e-mail: [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________ Suggested videos: Playlist: Average Ticket • Average Ticket Doctor, learn how to do your strategic planning. • DOCTOR, LEARN HOW TO DO YOUR PLAN... What is your niche? • Dentist who doesn't know h... Dentist, pay yourself first: • DENTIST, PAY YOURSELF FIRST!! Working capital: • Dentist, don't proceed without having capital... Dentist, how do you price your treatments? • DENTIST, HOW DO YOU PRICE YOUR WORK...