Not only did the Akbar thing that had been spreading Islam for a long time get out of hand, but it stopped... When you go to new friends, you can see that he advises you to be careful. The story of the boy who asked the question and Basil, the scholar of da'wah, who answered without touching it, is multi-faceted... Although Basil feels that he has given a great answer, a thinking Muslim feels only one thing... That alone is enough to make him leave the religion... That question arose in my heart. What...? Let's check live... Arif Hussain Theruvath ExMuslim SUPPORT PLEASE: ------------------------- Want your participation in the journey ahead... ----- -------------------- PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ACTIVITIES: BY CHANNEL SUBSCRIPTION, DONATIONS, MEMBERSHIPS & SUPERCHAT ❤ --------------- ---------- ORDER MY TSHIRTS: https://teeshopper.in/store/EMU-The-E... ------------------ ------- CONTACT/FOLLOW : http://arifhussaintheruvath.bio.link ------------------------- JOIN THIS CHANNEL: / @arifhussaintheruvath ------------------------ SUPPORT VIA PATREON: www.patreon.com/arifhussaintheruvath ------------ ------------- DONATE via BUY-ME-A-COFFEE: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/arifhussain -------------- --------- DONATE via PAYPAL: https://paypal.me/ArifHussainTheruvath ------------------------ DONATE via GPAY : arifhussaintm-1@oksbi ----------------------- TELEGRAM GROUP: https://t.me/HelloFreethinker