Sign up for the (Almost) Free Crypto Masterclass (06/24): https://r.clique.ly/bd80a7cbee JOIN THE WAITING LIST FOR LIVING OFF INCOME ABROAD: https://r.oprimorico.com.br/242f0a7e6b INVEST YOUR MONEY WITH THE PRIMO GROUP: https://r.vocemaisrico.com/68ef8da837 If culturally you are not taught that, in order to reap, you need to plant with discipline, how can you implement this in your imagination? ???? Getting rich through investments does not happen overnight. Today, however, most people are not interested in what is not immediate. Furthermore, it is not natural to trust in the long term in an economically unstable country. Despite everything, in the book Financial Psychology, the story of Ronald - an ordinary, low-profile man who ended his life as a millionaire because he had the discipline to repeat the same thing month after month - shows that it is possible to become rich even with an ordinary life. But how exactly? Where do you start to change your thinking and create certain habits? What role does luck play in the final result? How do you make good choices in things that are under your control? And what about risk management in things that are not? To answer these questions and talk about the timeless lessons about fortune, greed and happiness present in this book, we invited Fábio Fares, Felipe Spritzer and Giovana Naya for episode 192 of the Os Sócios podcast. It will be broadcast this Thursday (05/30), at 12 pm, on the Os Sócios Podcast channel. Hosts: Bruno Perini @bruno_perini and Malu Perini @maluperini Guests: Fabio Fares @fabiofares_, Felipe Spritzer @felipespritzer and Giovana Naya @giovananaya