My impulsive decision to fly first class in June has finally begun! On the first day, I flew from Itami Airport to Los Angeles Airport via Haneda, checked in at a special counter, used the airport lounge exclusive to first class, and experienced all of the first class services for the first time. I never knew there was a world like this! Once you experience it, the world you see will change, and I'm even more excited for the rest of my journey! Yume Kana ???? Official Line https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40702xzshv ???? School that Makes Dreams Come True ???? Official Homepage https://yume-kana.co.jp/ #Miracle #Miracle #YumeKana #SchoolThatMakesDreamsFulfilled #TakedaYoko #OnceInALifetime #Encounter #MiracleChallenge #miracle