Teaching 2017-2018: Learning in the face of the curse of the large dimension Course on Wednesday, January 17, 2018: Mapping of data sciences Speaker(s): Stéphane Mallat, Collège de France Data Sciences Chair Professor: Stéphane Mallat Find all his teachings: https://www.college-de-france.fr/site... Keywords: Data science, Signal processing, Algorithms, Artificial intelligence, Mathematical models, Neural networks (computer science), Stochastics, Wavelets, Fourier analysis The Collège de France is a fundamental research institution in all fields of knowledge and a place for the dissemination of "knowledge in the making" open to all. Courses, seminars, and conferences are recorded and then made available to the public on the Collège de France website. Discover all the resources of the Collège de France: https://www.college-de-france.fr Follow us on: Facebook: / college.de.france Instagram: / collegedefrance Twitter: / cdf1530 LinkedIn: / collègedefrance