[Archives] None *Permission granted *Twitch archives will be deleted after 2 months *Please excuse any mishearing (especially in foreign languages) V.S.P.O.! Permission number: 05469 [Table of contents] 00:00 Use Phantom 01:07 Operative battle 02:21 Check your DM 03:20 Thin Neth hair 04:38 Safe 06:26 Has it gotten weaker? 07:41 It's gotten pretty strong 08:54 Anti-neth weapon Kamito VS Shellimatsu 11:44 Let's make this the last one 12:58 OPEDIC 15:40 ED Kamito-san [Twitter] / kamito_otaku [YouTube] https://t.co/mXQKg3zGcr ~neth-san ~ [Twitter] / neth_vz [YouTube] / @neth [Twitch] / neth3 [Mildom] https://www.mildom.com/11848417 [Twitch] / neth3 [Instagram] / neth_vz ~This channel~ [Twitter] / ha_iizo -------------------- Sound effects OtoLogic https://otologic.jp Sound Effect Lab https://soundeffect-lab.info/ BGM MusMus rion-san [Twitter] / r_7qq [YouTube] / rioncr and others