Discover the extraordinary story of Major Pierre Flamen, a hero of the Indochina and Algerian wars. A fiery leader of men, he escaped three times from the Viet Minh camps and fought with his brothers in arms at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu. Immerse yourself in his battles, his adventures and his injuries within the prestigious French paratroopers. A tribute to all the soldiers who fought for our freedom and an invitation to remember their sacrifice. Don't miss this video that will transport you to one of the most important modern wars in French military history. --- This video was produced by the Vétérans de France association on its own funds. If you would like to help us produce more content, and support our work for the benefit of those who served: 1. Join Vétérans de France for free ➡️ https://veteransdefrance.fr 2. Subscribe to the channel! ???? 3. Help us financially through our Tipee account: https://fr.tipeee.com/veterans-de-france or our site: https://veteransdefrance.fr/donations... ????↘️ The Vétérans de France site ↙️???? https://veteransdefrance.fr/ Join the association to enter the community of veterans of France and be notified of the bi-monthly release of our exclusive and unpublished videos! To make a donation: ➡️ https://fr.tipeee.com/veterans-de-france ➡️ https://veteransdefrance.fr/donations... Our networks: Instagram: / veteransdefrance Telegram: https://t.me/veteransdefrance Twitter: https://twitter.com/veteransfrance?s=... TikTok: / veteransdefrance Discord: / discord #truehistory #Indochina #military #PierreFlamen #Dienbienphu #Courage #incrediblestories