Lack of taste and abundance of predominance is a Syrian social comedy series produced in 2002. Its events take place in the home of a family consisting of a father and three young sons; the father loses his wife and lives as a widower trying to marry again, and the father's sister carries out the task of searching for a new, suitable wife for her brother (Azmi), but her brother's sons Subhi, Rabhi and Fathi do not like the idea of their father marrying a second woman after the death of their mother, so they agree to foil their father's second marriage by scaring away every woman who agrees to marry their father. As a result, a group of comic paradoxes occur, covering the events of the series with its separate connected episodes, as each episode has an independent story, but the chronological sequence is interconnected in all the episodes of the series, which number 40 episodes, each lasting about half an hour. Omar Hajjo - Azmi Muhammad Khair Al-Jarrah Abu Adel Hoda Shaarawy (actress) - Umm Hamdi Shukriya Qusai Khouli - Sobhi Al-Laith Al-Mufti - Rabhi Nadine Tahseen Beyk - Lulu Wael Abu Ghazaleh - Bassam Tariq Al-Sabbagh - Fathi Salafa Awishaq - Sawsan Riad Shahrour - Abu Hamdi Reem Abdel Aziz - Talat Talail Directed by: Hisham Sharbatji Screenplay: Hakam Al-Baba