The famous Maasluis pastry chef and patissier Koos Holtkamp, but also the Rotterdam master bakers of Uljee, have been working hard since early yesterday evening to break their old King's Day tompouce records and to break thousands of extra orange-white-bleuterie whipped cream cups with a nightly stomp. In order to meet the massive demand, all staff leave at the various Maasluiscentrum and Rotterdam-Zuid locations has been temporarily withdrawn. While at the Holtkamp branch on the Maassluise Nieuwstraat last year the artisanal record craftsmanship stopped at 5,100 tompouces, thirty men/women are now trying to break this number with a sloppy thousand more. The Uljee's, on the other hand, set the traditional standard quantity record of around 6,000 machine-processed orange puff pastry bakers' jeitsers annually, now their King's Day record target is 8 to 10,000 pieces, whatever. Of course from Maassluis itself, but also from the wide Rotterdam area, the first sleepless enthusiasts had posted themselves in highly tense anticipation, already queues thick, in front of Holtkamp's cramped shop around six o'clock this morning. Republican Jack Kerklaan will be motoring along for a moment for you and will see whether everything will go crescendo to the flesh or whether it went in terms of the dawning record-breaking schematization