It's not easy, but I guarantee that if you follow my advice, you'll see your photography transformed! I say this from the perspective of over 30 years of teaching photography. More than just small tips, this video provides a way for you to think about your attitude towards photography. And if you want to have me as a teacher, look for information at: https://omicronfotografia.com.br Enrollment is open! ======================================= OUR ONLINE COURSES Don't live in Curitiba-PR to take an in-person course with us? Discover our 100% online options: Photography for Beginners https://bit.ly/CursoOnlineFotografiaI... Advanced Photography https://bit.ly/CursoOnlineFotometria Documentary Photography https://bit.ly/CursoOnlineFotodocumental ========================================= FOLLOW US FOR MORE PHOTOGRAPHIC CONTENT ???? Our school's Instagram @omicronfoto ???? Prof. Osvaldo's Instagram @osvaldosantoslima ???? Fotografia Pensante Podcast https://linktr.ee/FotografiaPensante ???? Our courses and blog https://omicronfotografia.com.br/