The basis of any society is the individual... Therefore, individuals are the cornerstones of every society. If all individuals deal with each other in a civilized manner, the society will be a successful and civilized society.... Our next scene sheds light on a small part of a widespread condition, which is the contempt for Iraq and considering it a backward country ---- Idea and presentation: Khaled Nezar Starring: Saad Hassoun Karar Al-Adil Abdo Al-Jubouri Asaad Abu Taiba ---- Directed by Amjad Zanqana ---- Produced by Sahar Al-Sharq Company • Khosh Man Program, Episode 1 It is you... Like the video and subscribe to the channel, I sacrifice you Subscribe our official channel Subscribe to our channel: https://cutt.ly/HlFyEDm Facebook: / oud.lesh Instagram: https://cutt.ly/olFyMTn #oud_lesh #عود_ليش