In the Agroecological Moment, organic rice production resumes in the Assentamento Integração Gaúcha (MST) settlement in Eldorado do Sul, in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre, after the floods that hit the state in May. There is an interview with Kammu Dan Wapichana, an indigenous storyteller, activist and socio-environmental educator, who talks about how native populations can contribute to an inclusive society, maintaining the flow of the biosphere by replenishing natural resources. In Cuba, a congress of cooperatives brought together representatives from 17 countries to share experiences of a fair economic development model, based on collectivity and sustainability. The idea, within the Caribbean island, is to recycle this knowledge to apply it to improving food production. The Bem Viver team went to the reoccupation of Gah Ré, founded two years ago by Kaingang and Xokleng families in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. The indigenous people returned to their original territory to fight against real estate speculation, in search of their sacred places and to preserve the little that remains of native forest in the region.