Finally, the Ford Everest has arrived. The Ford Everest has been around for two generations and has not reached us. Now it has arrived with very high specifications and excellent interior equipment with advanced four-wheel drive systems. It will raise the bar for competition and will make other companies improve their vehicles. Falah Engineering Consulting and Supervision Office: https://instagram.com/falah.engineer?... https://maps.app.goo.gl/zG17ctKS7uFeJ... +965-50204488 WhatsApp: https://wa.link/y2go42 Ford Kuwait website: https://www.fordalghanim.com/ar?fbcli... Ford Kuwait Instagram account: https://instagram.com/fordalghanim?ig... Contact numbers: 1898900 Their location on Google Maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/BVeoCwaCPEhfG... The price for the same car at the time of filming the review in Kuwaiti dinars = 13,999 KD Add me on Snapchat and TikTok I would be honored to have you for exclusive coverage, reports and news about cars Click on the link to take you directly ???? To Snapchat ⬇️ / cars.time You would be honored to have me on my TikTok account and I will put all the exclusive coverage in a vertical display Welcome ???? TikTok ???? https://www.tiktok.com/@q8carstime?_t... ⬇️ business inquiries Email: [email protected] #Ford #Everest #ford #ford_everest #everset