This time, we visited the home of Hanamori-san, from the Family Channel - Hanamori-san - Tropical Plant Lover Channel. What kind of ornamental plants does this gardening YouTuber grow in his home? He generously showed us how he takes care of them. ▼YouTube Hanamori-san - A channel that loves tropical plants - / vanvan180 Hanamori-san Gardening is an excuse channel ~Please tune in~ / @hanamori-sub ▼Instagram HAL-san / hanamori_hal_plant nekoteito-san / nekoteito ===================================== The world's only pothos festival Japan Pothos Summit with the Hanamori family (in Fukuoka) Venue Fukuoka Effect https://fukuoka-effect.jp Date and time Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th March 2024 ======================================= Asaoka Nursery is a producer of ornamental plants, mainly pothos, in Aichi Prefecture. ★We will provide information that only a producer can provide★ ▼If you haven't subscribed to the channel yet, please do so! ===================================== ▼Website here http://www.asaoka-engei.com ▼Instagram here / asaokaengei Asaoka Gardening only sells directly to the general public when we set up a stall at events. *Please understand that you cannot visit the farm ========================================= Online shop [e-Flower Shop] where you can purchase some of Asaoka Gardening's products ☆Main store https://bokunomidori.jp ☆Rakuten shop https://item.rakuten.co.jp/e-8783/c/0... We had a discussion with e-Flower Shop, a select shop for flowers and greenery. [Part 1] • [e-Flower Shop] If you want to buy houseplants online, this is the place to go [Part 2] • [e-Flower Shop] If you want to buy houseplants online, this is the place to go #Life with houseplants #Staghorn fern #Houseplants #Pothos #Houseplant beginner #Houseplant beginner