New year, new SUB reduction challenge! I'm so happy that so many great bookies on Instagram have already answered my call and are taking part in my challenge. But I really wanted to make a video about it too, so here we go! There are seven tasks every month from now on. For January, there are the following (and the matching books): Book with a green cover: Alice Brown's Feeling for Love by Eleanor Prescott Book that takes place in winter: Calendar Girl by Sebastian Fitzek Book that you got for Christmas: Wind Force 17 by Caroline Wahl Book that is told from multiple perspectives: Binding 13 by Chloe Walsh Book that has fewer than 300 pages: The Peacock by Isabel Bogdan Book by an author with a double name: Sodium Chloride by Jussi Adler-Olsen Book that was published before 2000: Berlin Alexanderplatz by Alfred Döblin Are you taking part? And if so: Which books are you planning to read? Enjoy reading and see you soon! Bianca