Don't Forget to Follow the Broadcasters: Twitch.tv/jahrein Twitch.tv/doncarlitolive --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YOU CAN SUPPORT THE CHANNEL BY SUBSCRIBE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Post all the funny clips you can get, regardless of publisher, here and I will share them by giving names, friends; http://link.tl/1ScJT (LINK WITHOUT ADVERTISING) Note; For friends who try to troll, the form appears from your email to the color of your mother's pussy in my recipient panel, don't fuck with those trollers, be a man --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In copyright situations, for business partnerships or to post funny moments of twitch broadcasters; [email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you own copyright, I would be glad if you contact me from the e-mail address above instead of submitting copyright, friends. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you send the funny moments of Twitch broadcasters' broadcasts to the same email address, I can add the funny moments to the videos along with the broadcaster's name. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you liked the video, don't forget to like it and if you don't like it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since my videos are not highlighted by Youtube moderators, I kindly ask you to share the video if you liked it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you state in the comments why you liked or didn't like the video and become a guide for the progress of the channel, it will be very helpful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't forget to state your ideas and thoughts in the comments ENJOY WATCHING #Jahrein #AskNothing #DonCarlitoLive