00:00 - Noisy Violin 02:09 - Too Good 02:26 - It's Fire 02:40 - It's Not a Piece of Cake 02:55 - Tree Frog 03:10 - Pagode of Three 03:24 - Black and White 03:39 - I'm Not Doing Anything 03:53 - Me, Her and the Horse 04:08 - Run Run 04:23 - Six Kings 04:50 - Jump and Jump 05:04 - Take It Off and Put It Back 05:22 - Zé's Viola 05:43 - I Think It's Good 05:58 - Lean Horse 06:12 - Hot Foot 06:29 - Adopted Son 06:45 - Snake Nest 07:00 - Step of Fame 07:17 - Turn Turn 07:34 - The Cover from the Traveler 07:53 - Postman 08:13 - The End of the Marrudo Old Man 08:27 - Land Thief 08:45 - The Sons of Bahia 09:02 - Soldier's Song 09:28 - Raw Land 09:46 - Poor Son 10:07 - Sincere Artist 00:22 - Chat 10:43 - Chat ALSO CHECK OUT OTHER SPECIALS: :: TONICO & TINOCO SPECIAL: • Goianito paying tribute to Tonico and Tinoco... :: TIÃO CARREIRO & PARDINHO SPECIAL: • Tião Carreiro & Pardinho - G... :: PAGODE DE VIOLA SPECIAL: • Goianito remembers what the beats were like... Contact Goianito: (16) 99606-3962 (16) 3341-3592 If you liked it, like the video, subscribe to our channel and activate the bell. Songs handpicked for you every week! #goianito #violeiro #viola #violao #musicacaipira #musicaraiz #caterete #guarania #cururu #pagodedeviola #querumana #ibitinga #granvox #violacaipira #facebook #youtube #fans #tonicoetinoco #viollainstrumental #violasolo #caboclatereza #tiaocarreiroepardinho #jacoejacozinho