[Thank you for your comments????] [Looking for photos to draw fairies] We are looking for photos of places where you think fairies are in your house or on a walk. [Caution⚠️] Fairies are 4cm tall, so long landscape photos cannot be used???? Please send it to Instagram DM❤️ Posting depends on the person, of course???? I will not make any assumptions. ???? Please take it easy and watch it because each person is different♪ Please listen to the audio without looking at the screen like a radio???? Thank you for your kind comments☺️ I am deeply grateful to everyone who subscribed to my channel. Thank you, I love those who subscribed to my channel❤️ 40 minutes of distribution every day from 5pm???? News, mysterious stories, prenatal memories, precognitive dreams, and more???? Nobumi YouTube ???? / @Official Picture Book Author Nobumi Channel Online Salon has been renewed! ???? https://yoor.jp/room/nobumi/14001/e9c... Order goods ???? https://nobumigoods.thebase.in/ ⭐️ Nobumi Picture Book School Now accepting applications Individual lessons will be given on Zoom once every two weeks for three months ???? Starting in 2025, six months will be one set. To apply, ???? https://peraichi.com/landing_pages/vi... ⭐️ In the online salon, we will also read out the world's fastest rough draft of the finished picture book, which is currently available, once a month for stories that cannot be told on YouTube. ???? https://lit.link/nobumi?fbclid=PAAabm... #picturebook #picturebookauthor #urbanlegend #raisingamom #wanttoconnectwithraisingamoms #supportingraisingamoms #momsofboys #momsofgirls #childcare #raisingamomthings #tiredofraisingamom #soloparenting #soloparenting #belovedson #preschool #preschooler #baby #3yearsold #4yearsold #conspiracytheory #Nobumi #kindergarten #nurseryschool #dotingparentsclub #pregnantwoman #memoriesfromthewomb #raisingamomgram #dotingparent