IT'S WORTH WAITING FOR THE BLESSING - Sami and Flori Șugubeață - How good it is that you are with Ramona Dărvășan Flori prayed a lot for her future husband, but she waited patiently for God to show her who to choose. Her father also prayed to find his chosen one and Sami's face appeared in his mind. The same thing happened to Sami's father who saw Flori's face. They had known each other since they were little, they were friends, but they never imagined that they could become lovers. "We didn't choose each other, God brought us together" they declare. Find out more about the Șugubeață family on the show CE BINE CA EȘTI! with Ramona Dărvășan, Sunday, at 7:00 PM, on A7TV. You can follow us on: https://www.a7tv.ro/ and on / a7tvlive #marriage #waiting #prayer #FloriNae #FloriSugubeata #SamiSugubeata #insidelife #love #couplerelationship #marriage #couple #love #family #lovestory #couplelessons #lovestory #a7tv #RamonaDarvasan #cebinecaesti ???? Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/2HMI0oz ???? Follow us on Instagram: / a7tv.ro ???? Find out the latest news on our website: https://www.a7tv.ro A7TV is a generalist television, which aims to bring common sense, education, authentic spirituality, culture and the values that define humanity to the audio-visual landscape.