Is Stock Photography a Scam? In this new video Pablo Jeffs tells us from his experience what he thinks about this question and gives us concrete keys so that you can get results and earn money in a real way. #Stock agencies are fashionable among those of us who take #photographs and as with any opportunity to generate #money it has #detractors who say it is a kind of #scam and #enthusiasts who are happy with the #results. With this new video we are not going to sell you a course, on the contrary we are going to give you important keys so that you can start making #money. Start making money on Shutterstock https://submit.shutterstock.com/?rid=... Do you want to try Wirestock for free? Use this link https://wirestock.io?ref=pablo.jeffs Do you want to learn how to take better photos? We invite you to participate in our next photography courses and photography trips https://fototrekking.com/cursos-de-fo... #Fototrekking