Since Firli Bahuri's leadership, the Corruption Eradication Commission has continued to receive sharp criticism. The public was left shaking their heads. Starting from violations of the code of ethics to the peak when Firli Bahuri was named a suspect in the extortion of former Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo. The public increasingly distrusts this anti-corruption institution. Can the KPK sharpen its fangs to eradicate corruption in Indonesia? Throughout the history of the KPK, there has never been a consecutive KPK chairman who became a suspect in extortion and bribery cases. Meanwhile, the deputy chairman of the KPK stumbled upon an ethical violation case and resigned. What is Taufiequrahman Ruki's view? The chairman of the KPK for the 2003-2007 period, Taufiequrahman Ruki, sees that currently there is no strong commitment from the state to strengthen the KPK as the spearhead of corruption eradication. According to him, as long as there is no commitment from the leadership, it will be difficult to do it properly. Corruption eradication will be successful if there is a commitment from the President, Chief of Police, Commander in Chief and the Supreme Court. Watch Rosianna Silalahi's dialogue with the 2003-2007 KPK Chairman, Taufiequrahman Ruki. Watch in ROSI eps. KPK: Failed to Eradicate Corruption, airing Thursday, July 4, 2024 at 20.30 WIB on KompasTV.