Is Mauga too strong? Ta1yo thinks about Mauga's evaluation [OverWatch 2 / ta1yo Cutout] ●With permission from ZETA DIVISION, and in compliance with the terms and conditions, we are posting ta1yo's cutout video. In addition, in accordance with the guidelines, we post it 48 hours after the archive ends. ●ZETA DIVISION permission number: 0209 You can see the original broadcast on ta1yo's twitch. "Santa, I want to be in the TOP 500" / 2012525309 ●Ta1yo's twitch is here / ta1yo_tv ●Ta1yo's youtube is here / @ta1yotv If you enjoyed it, please subscribe, comment, and rate the channel. ◆List of other cutout videos◆ Current environment meta poke showdown! Ta1yo talks about watching the official tournament... [OverWatch 2 / ta1yo Cutout] • Current environment meta poke showdown! ta1yo talks about watching the official tournament... [OverWatch 2 / ta1yo Clip] After a very close match, ta1yo screams at the shocking ending [OverWatch 2 / ta1yo Clip] • After a very close match, ta1yo screams at the shocking ending... ta1yo speaks out against the critical comments made towards supporters!! What a support should be like [OverWatch 2 / ta1yo Clip] • ta1yo speaks out against the critical comments made towards supporters!! What a support should be like [Ov... To be honest, the tank population is depopulated... ta1yo talks about tanks [OverWatch 2 / ta1yo Clip] • To be honest, the tank population is depopulated... ta1yo talks about tanks [OverWa... [OverWatch 2] This is how a tank should play. ta1yo coaches on the role of a tank! • This is how a tank should play. ta1yo coaches on the role of a tank! 【 Ov... 【 OverWatch 2 】 This is the job of DPS. A must-see DPS coaching for beginners by ta1yo! • This is the job of DPS. A must-see DPS coaching for beginners by ta1yo... #ta1yo #Overwatch2 #overwatch2 #OW2 #Cutout