Hirota Shrine⛩️ located in Nishinomiya City. The deity worshipped here is Tsukisakakiitsunotamamasakarumukatsuhime-no-mikoto. It is said to be the rough spirit of Amaterasu Omikami, and also to be Seoritsuhime. What is the truth? Kamirize has done some research. We report on it in this video. Finally, we also visited Rokkohime Shrine⛩️, also known as the inner shrine of Hirota Shrine. 🔴 Hirota Shrine is also mentioned in this video, so be sure to check it out! • Wasn't Hiruko a crippled child who was abandoned in the sea? Digging deeper into Hiruko no Okami in Kobe #Hotsumatsutae #Kojiki #History #AncientHistory #Ruins #Iwakura #Seoritsuhime #HirotaShrine#RokkohimeShrine #Mt.Rokko#Mukatsuhime #OharaeNoKotoba #TainoriTotoro #ShrineExplanation