Emergencies can happen every day, in any environment. Knowing first aid can make a difference and be that happy ending to an unexpected accident or eventuality. At the Mexican Red Cross we have trained millions of people in #FirstAid ❤️, we are a reference in immediate care. Today we want to share with you what we do daily; save lives. With this #Introduction to Basic FirstAid course you will learn the following topics: • Initial protocol • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (with your hands only) • Clearing the airway • Hemorrhage control • Care for wounds and burns • Care for fractures • Care for cold or heat emergencies Are you ready to know what to do in an emergency? Acquire the basic knowledge that will help you preserve life until the injured person can be treated by trained personnel. We invite you to train with us in person, there are techniques that must be acquired through practice, fill out this form and we will contact you ????https://forms.gle/bSdaX2fcNyK2BK897 ___________________________________________ SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL! / @cruzrojamexicanaiap Visit our website: www.cruzrojamexicana.org.mx Join the Community! / cruzrojamx / cruzroja_mx / cruzroja_mx / cruzroja_mx