We are not prepared for a quantum future, and yet the most important entity in Quantum Physics (CERN) has already signed a billion-dollar investment manifesto, with the support of the European Commission, which will go towards the development of quantum technology. The second quantum revolution will take us to the era of quantum technology, and believe me, it is fascinating. A single piece of data is capable of blocking the brain. You see, a quantum computer will be able to process in minutes, the data that a traditional computer would take hundreds of years to process. Can you imagine it? You may not have the slightest idea of what this revolution will mean, but know that the path to what is already being called the second quantum revolution was opened by a Spaniard, the physicist Juan Ignacio Cirac, when he demonstrated the theoretical possibility of building quantum computers. After having won the Wolf Prize, it is very possible that this researcher will be the next Nobel Prize winner in Physics. There is no doubt that the data, computing and communications industry are about to suffer their greatest catharsis. The fact of processing and manipulating information stored in quantum particles is not a pipe dream. Computing, simulation and cryptography as we know them are about to disappear. In fact, the first person to build a quantum computer will be able to access all the encrypted secrets in the world. Everything will be revealed. The truth is that, although the world is still far from fully enjoying the Quantum Age, in relation to the times that people deal with, science is stubborn, persistent and insistent, and recognizes that the first prototypes of quantum computers already exist. Very rudimentary and limited for the moment, yes. José Ignacio Latorre is Professor of Quantum Physics at the University of Barcelona and Director of the Benasque Science Center, Pedro Pascual. He investigates quantum information of elementary particles and his contributions to Field Theory and quantum entanglement are highly valued in the scientific world. We have spoken with him, and believe me it has not been easy, about how the manipulation of information will change when it is processed by quantum computers and stored in quantum particles. José Ignacio Latorre thinks that we are not ready. The Quantum Age will change everything, but “we are not sure that the speed of the resolution of operations is important,” he says. Don't miss this interview that we offer in video/TV format and that also contains interesting questions from some Periscope users. Gema Castellano @GemaCastellano Informativos.Net +Info: http://informativos.net/entrevistas/e...