We are going to Turkey with a heavy camper van on a Niva! We will show you local campsites and test all the perks of the local vanlife at the peak of the season! We will not ignore the local attractions and the beauty of nature. We will definitely break down and look for spare parts, and most importantly, we will check if it is so good to drive a Niva 4 over such distances! _______________________________________________________________________ Waiting for you on Zen: https://dzen.ru/id/622b5e84e8bfec1394... ________________________________________________________________________________ Music by Bensound.com/royalty-free-music License code: HPWCEM00ZGMBCG9E License code: RV0VTSV4VYHZ4FW3 License code: 6W7YDASKIODGKJJC License code: KKSQWINHA8 License code: ZUAPIAXGNLG42TR2 License code: RCWLLAYB2POA0DFP License code: 96ODTJCUUZK4A9HY License code: FQDBLK56FGLMTTBA License code: C5UUTSSX5RBLPSBV License code: RUXIHMXBLLI8CJDG License code: BKOYMMKHXGN6ECD0 License code: 3SETEBQBQPPX35Z5 License code: NJVAVZTP2NADBRVO License code: XEVK2E3WPGGTDXXC License code: GKBAEY4JPBDMCA1O License code: QNEU8FR4UECWKPNJ License code: 8RYTA5TXRQ5Y0ZWR License code: GIZFSGZHCSLDPD30 License code: JBDMMTSCEHCBXQ9B License code JU0RT RK54W92MFSZ License code: BAA2SZRNAGA3SIUP