International Qori - Ust H. Darwin Hasibuan - Learn Tilawatil QS. Al imron' · 190 194 Enjoy the melodious and meaningful chanting of Ust. H. Darwin Hasibuan, an international qori, while reciting the holy verses of the Qur'an from Surah Al-Imran verses 190-194. This video can also be a guide to learning to recite the Quran to improve your tajwid and rhythm of reading. Watch and absorb the beauty of Allah's word. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for other videos. ???? #qori #qorimerdu #maqropilihan #qoriinternasional #qoriinternasionalterbaikdunia #darwinhasibuan #darwinhasibuanterbaru #qoriinternasional #audiojernih