Interesting dump of abandoned cars auto dump and car recycling Large dump of abandoned cars in St. Petersburg about 1200 cars both domestic and foreign cars of different years of production, most of the cars were broken in yards or on the roads and they were taken to the city parking lot for storing dismantled vehicles After a certain time, if the owner does not pick them up, all the cars are sent for recycling Be sure to watch my most interesting videos: Handed over abandoned cars for scrap / Disposal of abandoned cars and auto junk • Video Bought a time capsule: • Video About a large dump of abandoned cars: • Video Demolition of garages and abandoned cars in them: • Video If you have an old broken problem car that does not run or you just don’t need it and it is abandoned, write to me! Subscribe to Instagram to stay up to date with the latest news from the channel / rozov_dm ⤵️ VK: https://vk.com/northern_locos #car_junk #abandoned_cars #car_cemetery