Professor Micamática brings 10 topics in the intensive course for you to complete the IF, IFRN, IFRJ, IFCE, IFPE, IFAL, IFTO selection exam. (IFRN – 2017/2018 selection exam) According to the survey by the Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM) in 2016, the ranking of the ten municipalities that lead deforestation in the Amazon has remained practically unchanged in recent years. Table 1 shows the number of municipalities involved in the survey, distributed across four states in Brazil. By randomly choosing a municipality from this ranking, the probability of it being from the state of Mato Grosso is: a) 10%. b) 15%. c) 20%. d) 40%. (IFRN – Selection Exam 2016/2017) According to Text 1, “[...] the American media claims that 96% of players are between 18 and 30 years old.” Based on this information, if choosing a player at random, the probability of him/her NOT being between 18 and 30 years old is a) 1/25. b) 3/25. c) 1/4. d) 3/4. (IFRN – Selection Exam 2016/2017) The Pokémon Flareon and Jolteon are evolutions of the Pokémon Eevee. The probability of a player, who has the Pokémon represented in Figure 10, randomly choosing an evolution of Eevee to battle is a) 1/3. b) 2/3. c) 1/9. d) 2/9. (IFRN – 2015/2016 Selection Exam) Taking the third paragraph of Text 1 as a basis and assuming that in 2012, in Brazil, there were exactly 550,000 prisoners and another 500,000 with unserved arrest warrants, if all the names of these people were listed and the name of just one of them was randomly selected, the probability that this person, in 2012, was already in prison was approximately a) 10/21. b) 9/11. c) 11/21. d) 10/11.