Acqualimp Septic Tank Installation Learn how to install the Acqualimp biodigester - With Néia from IDEAL Today, Néia from IDEAL Hydraulics & Finishing will answer the main questions you have about installing the Acqualimp Biodigester. ???? If you have any questions, comment on this post or contact us via WhatsApp: (35) 99745-0953. The Acqualimp Biodigester is made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE), 100% waterproof, and has an exclusive sludge extraction system, definitively eliminating the need for a septic tank cleaning truck. Share: • Acqualimp Septic Tank Installation ... Follow our Instagram and Facebook: @idealhidraulica #sustainableagriculture #reforestation #effluents #organicagriculture #agrotechnology #environmentallicensing #natives #biologicalcontrol #agroindustrial #riversystem #biodigesters #extrema #extremamg #tips #promotion #offers