Surah AL IKHLAS 1000 Times Assalamu'alaikum wr,wb, Allaahumma Sholli 'Ala Sayyidina Muhammad Allaahumma Sholli 'Alaa Sayyidina Muhammad. Hello guys how are you all, Insha Allah In good condition yes,, Fadhilah Al Ikhlas 1000x For Wealth, which Surah Al Ikhlas is a very short reading which only consists of 4 verses and s is the 112th letter in the Quran. The Messenger of Allah SAW said that these 4 verses are written on the wings of Allah's angels: "By Allah in Whose Hand is my soul, Angel Gabriel: "QUL HUWALLAHU AHAD" it is written on his wings Angel Mikail: "ALLAHHUS SOMAD" Angel Izrail: "LAMYALID WALAM YUULAD" Angel Israfil: "WALAM YAKULLAHU KUFUWAN AHAD" If someone wants to practice Surah Al Ikhlas 1000 times, then Insha Allah he will be protected from all the evils of this world and the hereafter will also be protected from all poverty. Good narrow in terms of happiness, soulmate and sustenance. However, Fadhilah Al Ikhlas 1000x here is mainly for sustenance and wealth. So that we can feel the pleasure of Fadhilah Al Ikhlas 1000, it must be done with the correct procedure. This is how to practice Surah Al Ikhlas 1000x for abundant wealth. Procedure for Practicing Surah al-IKhlas 1000 Times Surah Al-Ikhlas is read 1000 times between Maghrib and Isha' prayers then ask Allah SWT for everything we want. The desires we want in the short term or long term max Insya Allah our prayers will be granted by Allah. =========================================================================== Don't forget to continue supporting the Dreams Relax 12 channel by LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE, ALSO HIT THE BELL, so that we can be more enthusiastic in creating content that can benefit all of us,, ==