Insomnia, VSD, arrhythmia, hypertension, migraine, hyperthyroidism, panic attacks - a unique medicine for 35 rubles for many diseases. "Forgotten treatment" - Peony tincture: improves falling asleep and the quality of sleep in case of sleep disorders; helps with vegetative-vascular dystonia; helps with arrhythmia - if the heart rate is increased; Helps to reduce nervous tension and excitability of the nervous system: with hyperthyroidism - with increased thyroid function; with neurasthenia; with phobias, with anxiety and obsessive states; with panic attacks. During menopause, peony tincture helps women reduce many unpleasant symptoms associated with menopause. In some young women, while taking peony tincture, PMS symptoms are reduced. In addition, peony tincture can help, although not always, reduce the craving for alcohol in alcoholism. USEFUL LINKS: ARTICLE: Application of Peony tincture – details: http://www.evdokimenko.ru/Pion.html VIDEO on topics: Insomnia, causes and treatment: • INSOMNIA, causes and TREATMENT. Violations... Cardiac arrhythmia and tachycardia – causes, symptoms and treatment: • Cardiac arrhythmia and TACHYCARDIA – how to treat... HYPERTENSION - how to treat easily without pills: • HYPERTENSION – how to treat without pills:... 1 simple breathing from excitement, anxiety and pressure: • 1 simple BREATHING from pressure, anxiety... MIGRAINE, severe headache: symptoms and treatment: • MIGRAINE, severe headache: causes... *** Music: composition "Constellation", author and performer - DiDuLya: / didulamedia Camera operator and editing - Dmitry Kurakin: / mindk777 ATTENTION! This video is educational and informational. There are contraindications. Before using the recommendations and advice from the video, ALWAYS consult a doctor! *