A varistor is a passive, two-terminal, solid-state semiconductor device used to provide protection for electrical and electronic circuits. Unlike a fuse or circuit breaker, which provide current protection, a varistor provides overvoltage protection by stabilizing voltage like a zener diode. https://zen.yandex.ru/media/dima/chem... The word "Varistor" is an abbreviation and combination of the words "Varistor - variable resistor", a resistor that has a variable resistance, which in turn describes its operating mode. Its literal translation from English (Variable Resistor) can be a little misleading - comparing it to a potentiometer or rheostat. But, unlike a potentiometer, the resistance of which can be changed manually, a varistor changes its resistance automatically with a change in voltage across its contacts, which makes its resistance dependent on voltage, in other words, it can be characterized as a non-linear resistor. Currently, the resistive element of the varistor is made of a semiconductor material. This allows it to be used in both AC and DC circuits. A varistor is similar in size and appearance to a capacitor in many ways and is often confused with it. However, a capacitor cannot suppress voltage surges in the same way as a varistor. It is no secret that when a high voltage pulse occurs in the power supply circuit of a device, the outcome is often disastrous. Therefore, the use of a varistor plays an important role in the protection system of sensitive electronic circuits from voltage surges and high-voltage transients. Voltage surges occur in various electrical circuits, regardless of whether they operate from an AC or DC network. They often occur in the circuit itself or are supplied to it from external sources. High-voltage surges can quickly increase and reach several thousand volts, and it is from these voltage pulses that the electronic components of the circuit must be protected. #HowToProtectASocket #VaristorHowItWorks For those who need details (I'm rarely there) https://zen.yandex.ru/dima https://vk.com/id26168899 https://ok.ru/profile/570092326202/ https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?...