This time again, a case that stinks. Liz had the precious living room carpet that she had inherited from her mother cleaned by Jeffrey's 'cleaning company'. It seemed like a trivial job, but the result was pathetic: an even dirtier carpet with a terrible smell. And no compensation, no way. Bram and Dennis get their story straight, whereby the confrontation once again gets out of hand. Keep PowNed on the air, become a member: http://bit.ly/34TCDit Subscribe to PowNed for daily fresh videos! PowNed on Facebook: https://www.fb.com/OmroepPowNed PowNed on Instagram: / omroeppowned PowNed on Twitter: / powned Also follow the PowNed reporters on Instagram! Adinda - / adindakennedy Charlotte - / charlotte.pieters Dennis - / dennis_schouten95 Mark - / markbaanders Nadia - / nadiapalesaa Sensi - / sensilowe Vera - / veraverzijl