@SeikinTV [Infinite Money] Plundering Roulette Crane Game Battle [Hikakin VS Seikin] • [Infinite Money] Plundering Roulette Crane Game Battle [Hikakin VS Seikin] [Infinite Money] Brothers face off to see who can get the most red items or blue items in the crane game! [Hikakin vs Seikin] • [Infinite money] Brother and sister will see who can get more red or blue items in the crane game... Filming support: Taito Station Minami-Sunamachi SUNAMO storehttps://www.taito.co.jp/store/00002250 ◆Subscribe to the channel here↓ http://www.youtube.com/user/hikakintv... ◆Twitter / hikakin ◆Instagram / hikakin ◆TikTok https://vt.tiktok.com/BTWxUN/ ◆HikakinGames / hikakingames ◆HIKAKIN channel for beatboxing videos / hikakin ◆HikakinBlog for rough videos / hikakinblog ◆Hikakin LINE stamps herehttps://store.line.me/stickershop/pro... ◆Hikakin official LINE account●Add as friend here↓ http://line.naver.jp/ti/p/%40hikakin #CraneGame #GameCenter #Hikakin #Seikin