I don't feel like I'm going to lose. The following are the incredibly impressive participants (titles omitted): Fuji (/ thefujifactory ) Hira (/ @hira_saiore ) Fullcon (/ fullcon2525 ) Utsu Sensei (/ nemesislaalgol1936 ) Xiaolong (/ nemesislaalgol1936 ) Toshizo (/ @higetoshizo ) Waiwai (/ @yychannel-n4s ) Kojima Clerk (/ @kojima-tenninn ) Taicho (Good Adults) (https://ch.nicovideo.jp/iiotonatati ) 0:00 Rules explanation 1:25 Start of the match Next → • Waiwai's passion [Among Us] You who subscribe to my channel are my dearest friends → https://bit.ly/2Hh9GAs towaco's Twitter → / towacofox towaco's Unplanned Plan (Niconico Channel) → https://bit.ly/2Hao55v #gameplay #towaco #AmongUs