https://ggsel.net/b/JoeSpeen_105 - Steam replenishment with 5% commission! (Limited offer) https://t.me/ggsel - GGsel Telegram channel https://ggsel.net/prize-drawing - Drawing from GGSel Snowrunner playlist: • ACCORDING TO THE NAVIGATOR THERE WAS A ROAD! AND ACCORDING TO THE F... Hello everyone, Joe Speen is in touch. We decided to reminisce and launched Snow Runner! Of course, having followed the navigator, we got stuck up to our ears in a swamp and had a ton of adventures :) It was a really cool game, I hope you like the video too. If you want more - let me know :) WE LAUNCHED AMUR AND IT'S HORRIBLE.. THE MOST DIFFICULT MAP IN SNOWRUNNER TG: https://t.me/joe_speen_youtube Zen channel: https://dzen.ru/joespeen TikTok: / joraspeenov My group: https://vk.com/joe_speen_youtube Advertising order: https://vk.com/topic-83456972_34213677 @DeaDem @Dizoff