Let's learn how to import data from tabs in another Google Spreadsheet with the IMPORTRANGE function of Google Sheets, with this we can pull data from several tabs in another spreadsheet and combine them into one with the help of the QUERY function and the IMPORTRANGE function. 👉Link to the IMPORTRANGE Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/... 👉Link to the Database Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/... Like many People were wondering how they were able to pull data from another Google Sheet in a way that integrated them, I decided to re-record this video lesson where I specifically explain how we were able to do this integration and pull values from another spreadsheet into Google Sheets. The query function is very powerful and we can perform several data treatments with it, there are some video classes here on the channel about it and many arguments that we have already covered in other video classes. Pull REPORT BETWEEN DATES with the QUERY function: 🔴 • Pull REPORT BETWEEN DATES with the function... It is also possible to pull data and group data by making a sum with the query function widely used to help and optimize our Google spreadsheet, bringing the grouped values as we need. How to GROUP SUM within the QUERY: 🔴 • How to GROUP SUM within the QUERY (Su... There are many resources within Google Sheets that can help you in different ways, in addition to sharing a spreadsheet, it is also important to learn basic functions in Google Sheets so that you better understand the dynamics and become more familiar with these functions that we will gradually combine with other functions and form formulas that will help a lot in our daily lives - Basic operations ... Remembering that all the links. The important things will always be here in the description for better learning and access to documents and video class handouts. in exclusive content from Google Sheets, subscribe so you don't miss any new video lessons on the channel! Playlist Link to Master Google Spreadsheets: 🔴 • How to pull data from other tabs in the spreadsheet... Teaching from scratch to advanced Google Spreadsheets, Google App Script and Data Studio, with tutorials, step-by-step Google Spreadsheets, step-by-step data Studio and Google App script walkthrough. So if you want to learn about Google spreadsheets once and for all, you've come to the right channel, subscribe and follow all the video lessons on the channel. A big hug and good luck with your spreadsheets!!! Chapters: 00:00 - Importrange function 01:30 - How to use the IMPORTRANGE function 02:08 - Removing the ID from a URL for the IMPORTRANGE function 04:30 - Adding the QUERY with IMPORTRANGE to join the tabs 05:50 - Removing the header of subsequent tabs #GoogleSheets #GoogleSheets #GoogleSheets #QUERY