I leave here the calculation to measure, if anyone has a simpler calculation, leave it in the comments please! The formula to calibrate this speedometer is this! 1st part: 60 x 1000000 / (tire perimeter) = result 2nd part (result * 2 / 1400) = number to be entered in the speedometer https://www.tacomaworld.com/tirecalc?... Hz = (16.6667 / C) * 60 Hz = frequency to be used on the panel, only the first 3 digits. C = tire circumference in meters. The manufacturer's manual says this ... 1. backlight: press the button for 3 seconds to change the color of the backlight when the odometer is in the odo state; 2. Switch between KM/H and MPH: Press and hold the button while not releasing, and then open the electric switch, the screen displays P0000, at this time the 0 on the places flashes; long press to jump to the tens place, short press and the tens place displays 1; and then press and hold to jump to the hundreds digit; short press 6 times and the hundreds digit displays 6; then press and hold for thousands digit, press 6 times and the thousands digit displays 6. At this time, the screen displays 00466 which means 46.6Hz, and 46.6Hz corresponds to 60KM/H. Short press to skip (this item does not need setting), then the screen displays 1001 which represents 1001KM/H, if you want to switch to MPH, long press the button for one digit flashing, long press to switch to 1002, which means it has been set to MPH. Short press to jump to the next item; 3. Set cylinder RPM: Follow the above steps, short press the screen to display 2002 which indicates that it displays 2 cylinders (166Hz corresponds to 10*1000 rpm/min), short press to skip, long press and the ones digit flashes, then press the digits 2 times which changes to 4, and it has been switched to 4 cylinders (333Hz corresponds to 10*1000 rpm/min), short press to skip to the next item; 4. Oil level gauge adjustment: Following the above steps, short press the screen and it displays 3002, indicating that this is a 2-line oil gauge, short press and all settings have been saved and exit; long press and the ones digit flashes, then long press and it displays 3003, indicating that it has been switched to 3-wire oil gauge.