There are rarely moments like this. A Ustadz stands between NU and Muhammadiyah. NOT BLAME one or the other. Watch IMPORTANT⁉️ Ust. Adi Hidayat Discusses NU and MUHAMMADIYAH at the Same Time -------------------------------------------------- Other Videos: UAH is amazed by H. Agus Salim: • SURPRISING???? Ust. Adi Hidayat is AMAZED p... Be Careful with PEOPLE Like this: • IMPORTANT MESSAGE‼️ Be Careful with PEOPLE... Important Message for women: • Women MUST WATCH‼️ Message from Ust. A... Age Difference, Age & Death: • What is the Difference between AGE, AGE and DEATH⁉️ Don't... Doctors Must Watch: • DOCTORS Must Watch this REFLECTION... -------------------------------------------------- Instagram: / audiodakwah_id Twitter: / audio_dakwah Telegram Group: https://t.me/audiodakwahGrup Facebook: / audiodakwah.id -------------------------------------------------- ✔ Akhyar.Tv Management opens up jariah opportunities for Akhyar.Tv broadcasting and equipment operations through Bank Mandiri Account No. 167-000-223-0273 in the name of Henny Haryanti Lubis. ✔ Quantum Akhyar Institute Management invites you to actively participate in the development of da'wah with Book Waqf and other da'wah media, as well as da'wah activities for fostering the community through Bank Syariah Mandiri No. Account 7088490228 an Ibrohim Hanif -------------------------------------------------- We are here for those of you who are thirsty for Islamic knowledge. Click SUBSCRIBE to get the latest videos from #UstadzAdiHidayat. SHARE also to your various social media so your friends know what you know.