On July 28, Coren-MG will hold the 2nd Minas Gerais Meeting on Mental Health Nursing. It will be held from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in a hybrid format, free of charge and certified. Nursing work is essential in mental health care, which is why the council is holding the second edition of this event to discuss the role of nursing professionals, especially those in the Psychosocial Care Network (RAPS) in the current context and future prospects. This is a topic that has been advancing, especially because the category has become an essential part of the formation of multidisciplinary teams in the RAPS and has demonstrated its full capacity to provide effective responses in care. However, there are political weaknesses in the health care network regarding people with mental health that need to be discussed, and for this reason, these issues are on the agenda of the meeting.