The Master of Folk Art Production award was awarded to Igor Prilinský for his production of wood - creation from sprue, for preserving original technological processes, and for its processing into a utility object. His work is a synthesis of traditional artistic and craft values with contemporary artistic perception. In his production, he focuses mainly on carving, mortise techniques, artistic carpentry, and also furniture restoration. He enhances his relationship with folk crafts by producing pumps and castings, in which he uses fir sprues. In this specialization, the commission evaluates his sprue products as exceptional. He also produces fujars, wallachians, and turned objects. In addition to craft perfectionism, he places particular emphasis on detail. He freely follows the growth and structure of wood and adapts the shape and appearance of the product to it. His utility objects are also intended for dining. Igor Prilinský: https://uluv.sk/vyrobcovia/prilinsky-...