The preamp of cheap sound cards do not provide the saturation that an external preamp does. The harmonic richness of these preamps is a before and after in the Home Studio. If you are thinking about how to record vocals, a guitar or any instrument in a professional way; it is ideal to have one of these analog devices, but if you do not have one, it does not matter! You can use a plugin to generate those extra harmonics in the DAW; be it Cubase, Pro Tools, fl studio, reaper, Studio One, logic or others. ALL MY EQUIPMENT IN A SINGLE LINK!! : https://thmn.to/thocf/d5wplmkbi9 BEDROOMPOP SUPER MINIMIX (download the multitrack!) https://estudiodurango.com/super-mini... ALTERNATIVE ROCK SUPER MINIMIX (download the multitrack!) https://estudiodurango.com/super-mini... DOWNLOAD THE IMPROVE PLUGIN : https://estudiodurango.com/improve/ MASTERCLASS HOW TO EDIT VOICES https://estudiodurango.com/product/co... MASTERCLASS HOW TO RECORD, EDIT AND MIX A BASS https://estudiodurango.com/product/co... MASTERCLASS HOW TO RECORD ELECTRIC GUITARS https://estudiodurango.com/product/co... MASTERCLASS HOW TO MASTER A SONG https://estudiodurango.com/product/co... MASTERCLASS REVERB, DELAY AND OTHER FX https://estudiodurango.com/product/re... MASTERCLASS EQUALIZATION AND FREQUENCIES https://estudiodurango.com/product/la... MASTERCLASS HOW TO USE THE COMPRESSOR https://estudiodurango.com/product/co... MASTERCLASS HOW TO RECORD ACOUSTIC GUITARS https://estudiodurango.com/product/co... MASTERCLASS HOW TO CONDITION THE HOME STUDIO https://estudiodurango.com/product/co... MASTERCLASS HOW TO MIX DRUMS: https://estudiodurango.com/product/co... MASTERCLASS REFERENCE TRACKS: https://estudiodurango.com/product/tr... MASTERCLASS MIX DECONSTRUCTION https://estudiodurango.com/product/de... PRIVATE CONSULTATION https://estudiodurango.com/services/a... MIX REVIEW https://estudiodurango.com/product/re... ONLINE MIXING AND MASTERING https://estudiodurango.com/product/me... TELEGRAM CHANNEL https://t.me/comunidadestudiodurango ESTUDIO DURANGO FORUM https://estudiodurango.com/foro/ [email protected] www.estudiodurango.com www.instagram.com/estudiodurango